Discussion Regarding Utilization of $25 Million Toward a Refund for
Past Highland Park Bad Debt Amounts Charged to Communities
Board of Directors
A motion was made by Secretary Baker, supported by Director Walker-Griffea, to
amend the FY 23 budget to use $5.18 million of water and $19.82 million of sewer
I&E funds (which are freed up by the receipt of $25 million in new State funds) as
a partial prorated credit to our first tier member partner communities for amounts
they had to pay for Highland Park unpaid bills for the past 10 years – the funds
would be credited to entity’s charges by September 1, 2022 or when the State
grant agreement is approved, whichever is sooner, and further, if the parties
come to an agreement on a long-term solution and contract with Highland Park,
that we would also use these funds to reduce the arrearages to Highland Park.
Chairperson Quadrozzi requested a Roll Call Vote regarding the motion made by
Secretary Baker and supported by Director Walker-Griffea.
Motion By: Brian Baker
Support By: Beverly Walker-Griffea
Action: Denied
The motion failed by the following vote:
2 - Secretary Baker, and Director Walker-Griffea
4 -
Chairperson Quadrozzi, Vice-Chairperson Hendrix, Director Brown, and Director
Amendment to Fiscal Year 2022-23 Charge Allocation to Remove
Highland Park Bad Debt Recovery Adjustment
Board of Directors
Director Zech made a motion, supported by Vice-Chairperson Hendrix, to
eliminate the bad expense recovery allocation related to Highland Park in the FY
2023 water and sewer charges as reflected in the attached schedule, subject to
final review and implementation by the Chief Financial Officer, the Financial
Services Team, and that the Interim Chief Executive Officer is authorized to take
whatever further action is necessary to further the intent of that resolution.
Chairperson Quadrozzi requested a Roll Call Vote regarding approval of the
motion by Director Zech and supported by Vice-Chairperson Hendrix.
Motion By: John J. Zech
Support By: Freman Hendrix
Action: Approved
The motion carried by the following vote:
5 -
Chairperson Quadrozzi, Vice-Chairperson Hendrix, Director Brown, Director
Walker-Griffea, and Director Zech
1 - Secretary Baker