4. Approval of Agenda
William M. Wolfson, Chief Administrative and Compliance Officer, stated that the
Legal Committee met this afternoon, and the Committee took up two matters that
are under New Business for discussion, which are items 10B. and 10C., and the
Committee is requesting that those two items be moved to the Consent Agenda
as items 3C. viii and ix.
Chairperson Quadrozzi asked if any Members of the Board would like to remove
any items under the Consent Matters to Items for Discussion.
Director Baker requested to keep item 10B. (2022-194) under Items for Discussion.
Mr. Wolfson responded that item 10C. would be moved to the Consent Matters as
item 3C. viii.
Chairperson Quadrozzi requested a Motion to Approve the Agenda as Amended.
Motion By: John J. Zech
Support: Gary Brown
Action: Approved as Amended
The motion carried unanimously.
5. Approval of Consent Matters (3A.i., 3Bi., and 3C. i. - viii.)
Chairperson Quadrozzi requested a Motion to Approve the Consent Matters as
A motion was made by Vice-Chairperson Hendrix, seconded by Secretary Baker,
to approve the Consent Matters as Amended. The motion carried unanimously.
6. Public Comment
Linda Wheeler, Highland Park Human Rights Coalition, asked why GLWA was
not receiving her emails. William M. Wolfson, Chief Administrative and
Compliance Officer, responded with giving Ms. Wheeler the correct email
address (CEO@glwater.org). Ms. Wheeler then continued with reading her public
comment regarding Highland Park residents being over charged.
7. Communications
Receipt of Correspondence
No Action Taken
8. Old Business
9. Public Hearing