735 Randolph Street  
Detroit, Michigan 48226  
Great Lakes Water Authority  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Operations and Resources Committee  
Wednesday, July 10, 2024  
11:00 AM  
Zoom Telephonic Meeting  
1. Call To Order  
Chairperson Hendrix called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m.  
2. Quorum Call  
3 - Chairperson Freman Hendrix, Director Brian Baker, and Director John J. Zech  
3. Approval of Agenda  
William M. Wolfson, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, requested to move item 8F.,  
2024-237 (Contract No. 2304897, Northwest Interceptor to Oakwood CSO Sewer  
Construction) after Closed Session (Item 13.A).  
Chairperson Hendrix requested a Motion to Approve the Agenda as Amended.  
Motion By: John J. Zech  
Support By: Brian Baker  
Action: Approved as Amended  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
4. Approval of Minutes  
May 8, 2024 Operations and Resources Committee Meeting Minutes  
Rechanda Willis  
Chairperson Hendrix requested a Motion to Approve the May 8, 2024 Operations  
and Resources Committee Meeting Minutes.  
Motion By: Brian Baker  
Support By: John J. Zech  
Action: Approved  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
5. Public Comment  
There were no public comments.  
6. Communications  
Receipt of Correspondence  
No Action Taken  
7. Old Business  
8. New Business  
Contract Nos. 2204729a-1 and 2204729a-2  
As-Needed Large Motor Repairs  
Cheryl Porter  
Water Operations  
Motion By: Brian Baker  
Support By: John J. Zech  
Action: Recommended for Approval to the Board of Directors  
Agenda of July 24, 2024  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
Proposed Change Order No. 4  
Contract No. 2103206  
Emergency Replacement of Effluent Butterfly Valves Actuators at  
Seven Mile and Puritan-Fenkell CSO Facilities  
Navid Mehram  
Wastewater Operations  
Motion By: John J. Zech  
Support By: Brian Baker  
Action: Recommended for Approval to the Board of Directors  
Agenda of July 24, 2024  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
Proposed Change Order No. 1  
Contract No. 2201101  
WRRF Incinerator #11 Rehabilitation  
Navid Mehram  
Wastewater Operations  
Motion By: Brian Baker  
Support By: John J. Zech  
Action: Recommended for Approval to the Board of Directors  
Agenda of July 24, 2024  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
Proposed Change Order No. 1  
Contract No. 2201142  
Conveyance System Infrastructure Improvements: Sewer In-System  
Storage and Valve Remote Improvements  
CIP #260701/ BCE Score: 60.1  
Navid Mehram  
Wastewater Operations  
Motion By: John J. Zech  
Support By: Brian Baker  
Action: Recommended for Approval to the Board of Directors  
Agenda of July 24, 2024  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
Proposed Amendment No. 1  
Contract No. 2202164  
Screening & Grit Transportation and Disposal from WRRF & CSO  
Navid Mehram  
Wastewater Operations  
Motion By: Brian Baker  
Support By: John J. Zech  
Action: Recommended for Approval to the Board of Directors  
Agenda of July 24, 2024  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
9. Reports  
10. Look Ahead  
The next Operations and Resources Committee Meeting is scheduled for  
Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at 11:00 a.m.  
11. Information  
12. Other Matters  
13. Closed Session  
There were no other matters.  
Closed Session Request - Attorney-Client Communication(s)  
David W. Jones and William Wolfson  
General Counsel  
Chairperson Hendrix requested a Motion and Roll Call Vote to enter into Closed  
Session at 11:18 a.m.  
Motion By: John J. Zech  
Support By: Brian Baker  
Action: Approved  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
3 - Chairperson Freman Hendrix, Director Baker, and Director Zech  
Entered Closed Session at 11:19 a.m.  
Returned from Closed Session at 12:07 p.m.  
The only matter discussed was Attorney-Client Communication.  
8. New Business (Continued)  
William M. Wolfson, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, stated that before the  
Board takes up item 8F., he asked the Committee's indulgence to allow the  
Administration to present either a contract amendment or revision to the full  
Board at its next meeting related to the Freud and Conner project.  
Mr. Wolfson stated we would present it to the full Board for its consideration  
and want to make sure that this Committee would be willing to allow us to  
present it directly to the full Board, to which there we no objections by the  
Contract No. 2304897  
Northwest Interceptor to Oakwood CSO Sewer Construction  
CIP #222001/BCE Score: 62.7  
Navid Mehram  
Wastewater Operations  
Director Zech made a Motion, Supported by Chairperson Hendrix, to refer  
Resolution 2024-237 to the full Board at a time when staff either has a  
recommendation, or believes that a recommendation could not be reached  
regarding cost allocation and ask the Board to weigh in and make a policy  
Motion By: John J. Zech  
Support By: Freman Hendrix  
Action: Referred to the Board of Directors  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
14. Adjournment  
There being no further business, Chairperson Hendrix adjourned the meeting at  
12:21 p.m.