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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Directors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/26/2025 2:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Water Board Building 5th Floor and Zoom Join Zoom Meeting Join by Telephone 888 788 0099; or 877 853 5247 Meeting ID: 864 7166 7249 Passcode: 297061
Board of Directors Meeting and Public Hearings Regarding: Proposed FY 2026 & FY 2027 Biennial Budget and Proposed FY 2026 Water and Sewerage Service Charges
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2025-049 1I. MinutesJanuary 22, 2025 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes (Draft)   Not available Not available
2025-048 1i. CommunicationReceipt of Correspondence   Not available Not available
2025-043 1i. ResolutionProposed Amendment No. 4 GLWA-DB-150/SCN-0000229 Design-Build/Repair for Portions of the Pennsylvania, Springwells and Northeast Raw Water Tunnels CIP #116002/BCE Score: 94.3   Not available Not available
2025-044 1ii. ResolutionRequisition Nos: REQ-0002544, REQ-0002546, REQ-0002551, REQ-0002552, REQ-0002556, REQ-0002557, REQ-0002615 Liquid Chlorine - 1-Ton Containers O&M   Not available Not available
2025-050 1iii. ResolutionRequisition No. REQ-0003009 Springwells Water Treatment Plant Header Pipe Repairs CIP #114002 / BCE Score: 90.9   Not available Not available
2025-036 1iv. ResolutionProposed Change Order No. 1 Contract No. 2203675/SCN-0000228 Conversion of Plumbing Shop to Satellite Warehouse Building 101 CIP #260905/ BCE Score: N/A   Not available Not available
2025-037 1v. ResolutionProposed Change Order No. 4 Contract No. PC-795 (SCN-0000480) Pumping Station No. 2 Pumping Improvements CIP #211002 / BCE Score: N/A   Not available Not available
2025-038 1vi. ResolutionProposed Change Order No. 1 Contract No. 2302932/(SCN-0000231) Emergency Incineration Complex II Conveyor System Fire Protection Implementations I&E   Not available Not available
2025-039 1vii. ResolutionRequisition No. REQ-0002030 Removal of Lime Stabilized Dewatered Sludge O&M   Not available Not available
2025-040 1viii. ResolutionRequisition: REQ-0002580 Liquid Chlorine - Rail Cars O&M   Not available Not available
2025-046 1ix. ResolutionRequisition No. REQ-0001827 Rehab of Secondary Clarifiers CIP# 261001 / BCE Score: 72.0   Not available Not available
2025-058 1A. PresentationPublic Hearing on the Proposed FY 2026 & FY 2027 Biennial Budget Request   Not available Not available
2025-059 1B. PresentationPublic Hearing on the Proposed FY 2026 Water and Sewerage Service Charges   Not available Not available
2025-061 1A. PresentationPresentation: Total Organic Carbon (TOC)   Not available Not available
2025-062 1B. PresentationResiliency Team Progress GLWA Board of Directors Update   Not available Not available
2025-031 1C. ResolutionResolution Recognizing National Apprenticeship Day   Not available Not available
2025-047 1D. ResolutionScheduling of Public Hearing for the GLWA FY 2026 Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program Project Plan Submittals   Not available Not available
2025-019 1E. ResolutionResolution Adopting the FY 2026 & FY 2027 Biennial Budget   Not available Not available
2025-020 1F. ResolutionResolution Regarding Approval of FY 2026 Schedule of Service Charges   Not available Not available
2025-008 1G. ResolutionResolution Regarding Approval of the FY 2026 through FY 2030 Capital Improvement Plan   Not available Not available
2025-064 1A. ResolutionCEO Report - February 26, 2025   Not available Not available
2025-063 1A. ResolutionClosed Session Request - Attorney-Client Communication(s)   Not available Not available