Contract No. 2203047
Dell Enterprise Equipment Purchasing Program
Agenda of: September 28, 2022
Item No.: 2022-389
Amount: $1,500,000.00
TO: The Honorable
Board of Directors
Great Lakes Water Authority
FROM: Suzanne R. Coffey, P.E.
Chief Executive Officer
Great Lakes Water Authority
DATE: September 2, 2022
RE: Contract No. 2203047
Dell Enterprise Equipment Purchasing Program
Vendor: Dell Marketing LP
Upon recommendation of Jeffrey E. Small, Chief Information Officer, the Board of Directors (Board) of the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), authorizes the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to enter into Contract No. 2203047, "Dell Enterprise Equipment Purchasing Program" with Dell Marketing LP, at a cost not to exceed $1,500,000.00 for a duration of three (3) years; and authorizes the CEO to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
GLWA uses Dell PCs as its hardware standard for end user computing, including desktops, laptops, and tablets. This enables GLWA Information Technology Group to have a common platform to better support our end users, including troubleshooting and testing new software and configurations.
Computers are an essential workplace tool used at GLWA to conduct day-to-day business. Desktops, laptops, and tablets are used daily by team members to facilitate timely communication, improve efficiency, and reduce manual processes. We operate on a three-year refresh cycle to maximize cyber security protection, leverage Dell's three-year free replacement warranty and onsite support services. ?
Summary: Sufficient funds are provided in the financial plan for this contract.???????
Funding Source:?Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Budget??
Cost Center(s): Information Technology Service Delivery
(Centralized Services Cost Center 883321)
Expense Type(s): Capital Outlay ov...
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