Springwells Water Treatment Plant Steam, Condensate Return, and Compressed Air Improvements
Agenda of: December 12, 2018
Item No.: 2018-1044
Amount: $23,601,341.70
TO: The Honorable
Board of Directors
Great Lakes Water Authority
FROM: Sue F. McCormick
Chief Executive Officer
Great Lakes Water Authority
DATE: December 5, 2018
RE: Contract No. GLWA-CON-252
Springwells Water Treatment Plant Steam, Condensate Return, and Compressed Air Improvements
Vendor: Clark Construction Company
Upon recommendation of Cheryl Porter, Chief Operating Officer - Water and Field Services, the Board of Directors (Board) of the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), authorizes the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to enter into Contract No. GLWA-CON-252 "Springwells Water Treatment Plant Steam, Condensate Return, and Compressed Air Improvements" with Clark Construction Company, at a cost not to exceed $23,601,341.70 for a duration of 42 months; and authorizes the CEO to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
The steam, condensate return, compressed air, and natural gas piping systems at the Springwells Water Treatment Plant (SPW WTP) are original to the plant and beyond their useful service life, requiring replacement to ensure overall reliability of the plant.
The process, administration and process support buildings at the SPW WTP are heated using steam for freeze prevention and occupant comfort. The steam and condensate lines run throughout the site and most piping was installed earlier than 1960, except where Project DWSD-SP-563 replaced steam and condensate systems in the Administrative Building, 1958 Filter Building, and Rapid Mix Building. GLWA-CON-252 replaces the remaining steam and condensate systems throughout the rest of the facility with a quantity of steam and condensate return piping totaling approximately 33,000 linear feet.
Compressed air is used for low-lift pump operation ...
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