RFB 1113 Sulfur Dioxide - PVS Technologies, Inc.
Agenda of: March 28, 2018
Item No.: 2018-578
Amount: $3,138,750.00
TO: The Honorable
Board of Directors
Great Lakes Water Authority
FROM: Sue F. McCormick
Chief Executive Officer
Great Lakes Water Authority
DATE: March 9, 2018
RE: RFB 1113 Sulfur Dioxide - PVS Technologies, Inc.
Upon recommendation of Suzanne Coffey, Chief Planning Officer, Interim Chief Operating Officer - Wastewater, the Board of Directors (Board) of the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) authorizes the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to enter into an Agreement for Sulfur Dioxide with PVS Technologies, Inc. at a cost not to exceed $1,883,250.00 for three years with two one-year renewal options at $627,750.00 per year for a total of $3,138,750.00 and authorizes the Chief Executive Officer to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
GLWA utilizes liquid sulfur dioxide to neutralize the residual chlorine in the treated wastewater prior to discharge to the Detroit River in accordance with permit requirements. Removal of residual chlorine from the treated wastewater is a continuous operation.
Procurement Method
The Procurement Group of Supply Chain Operations Team, competitively bid this project to obtain the lowest responsive and responsible vendor.
Advertised: December 7, 2017
On BidnetDirect(MITN) - Request for Bid (RFB) 1113
Distributed to: 136 vendors
Downloaded bid documents: 10 vendors
Response due date: December 28, 2017
Responses received: Two (2) vendors submitted bids
Evaluation Method: Request for Bid (RFB) - Lowest responsive and responsible bid tabulation.
Vendor (Lowest to Highest) Cost____________
PVS Technologies $465.00 per ton
JCI Jones Chemicals $542.00 per ton
The price is firm for the term of the agreement.
It is recommended to award to PVS Technologie...
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