Approval of Cost Sharing Agreement and Exhibit A-1 between the City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Department, and GLWA
Agenda of: January 26, 2022
Item No.: 2022-014
TO: The Honorable
Board of Directors
Great Lakes Water Authority
FROM: Suzanne R. Coffey, P.E.
Interim Chief Executive Officer
Great Lakes Water Authority
DATE: January 7, 2022
RE: Approval of Cost Sharing Agreement and Exhibit A-1 between the City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Department, and GLWA
Upon recommendation and opinion of Suzanne R. Coffey, Interim Chief Executive Officer. and Randal M. Brown, General Counsel, the Board of Directors for the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA):
1) Approves the execution of the Cost Sharing Agreement between the City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Department and GLWA; and
2) Approves the reimbursement of costs outlined Exhibit A-1 with a 10% allowance above the estimated costs; and
3) Authorizes the Interim Chief Executive Officer to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
Through regular communication between DWSD and GLWA's administrations, the parties identified opportunities to share costs associated with projects that benefit both DWSD and GLWA. In order to track these opportunities and standardize the paperwork associated with these projects, the parties desire to enter into a Cost Sharing Agreement. With an underlying agreement in place, the parties would amend the Agreement through the completion of the Exhibit A-# template. Exhibit A will be sequentially numbered, A-1, A-2, A-3...A-10, to reflect a new project and the terms of the cost sharing between the parties.
If the underlying Agreement is approved, "Exhibit A-#" would be presented to the Board of Water Commissioners or GLWA Board of Directors, consistent with contract authorization policies of the two organizations. For example, and consistent wi...
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