Proposed Change Order No. 1
Contract No. 1803483
Design Build Roof Replacement at Various Water Facilities
CIP#: 171500
Agenda of: December 11, 2019
Item No.: 2019-401
Amount: Original Contract $3,031,089.32
Change Order No. 1 0.00
Total Revised Contract $3,031,089.32
TO: The Honorable
Board of Directors
Great Lakes Water Authority
FROM: Sue F. McCormick
Chief Executive Officer
Great Lakes Water Authority
DATE: November 6, 2019
RE: Proposed Change Order No. 1
Contract No. 1803483
Design Build Roof Replacement Various Water Facilities
Vendor: Schreiber Corporation
Upon recommendation of Cheryl Porter, Chief Operating Officer - Water and Field Services, the Board of Directors (Board) of the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), authorizes the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to enter into Contract No. 1803483 "Design Build Roof Replacement Various Water Facilities" with Schreiber Corporation, at a cost not to exceed $3,031,089.32 and an increased duration of 131 days for a total contract duration of 311 days; and authorizes the CEO to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
A comprehensive condition assessment of water pumping station, sewage lift station and water treatment plant building roofs was completed by Testing Engineers and Consultants (TEC) in 2016 under GLWA Contract No. CS-1674. A total of 268 individual roofs measuring nearly 1.7 million square feet were assessed at the 19 water pumping stations, 11 sewage lift stations, and 5 water treatment plants.
Roof conditions were lumped into one of four categories:
Category 1: Includes those roofs that have failed and require immediate replacement
Category 2: includes those roofs that should be replaced within the next 5 years.
Category 3: Includes those roofs that are in fair condition with a projected remaining service life of 6 to 10 years.
Category 4: Includes those roofs that are in good to excellent...
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