Contract No. 2102618
Baby Creek CSO Facility Screen Rehabilitation
Vendor: Commercial Contracting Corporation
Agenda of: March 23, 2022
Item No.: 2022-096
Amount: $2,326,000.00
TO: The Honorable
Board of Directors
Great Lakes Water Authority
FROM: Suzanne R. Coffey, P.E.
Interim Chief Executive Officer
Great Lakes Water Authority
DATE: March 2, 2022
RE: Contract No. 2102618
Baby Creek CSO Facility Screen Rehabilitation
Vendor: Commercial Contracting Corporation
Upon recommendation of Navid Mehram, Chief Operating Officer - Wastewater Operating Services, the Board of Directors (Board) of the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), authorizes the Interim Chief Executive Officer (ICEO) to enter into Contract No. 2102618, “Baby Creek CSO Facility Screen Rehabilitation” with Commercial Contracting Corporation, at a cost not to exceed $2,326,000.00 for a duration of 590 days; and authorizes the ICEO to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
GLWA conducted a study which included condition assessments by the manufacturer of all critical equipment at all nine (9) CSO Facilities. Screens are considered critical equipment at all CSO facilities, but are vital to a screening and disinfection facility such as Baby Creek, as they enable the facility to treat influent flow at an extremely high rate. A malfunction of a screen can be a cascading failure of other adjacent screen that could impact the ability for the facility to operate as designed.
The Baby Creek facility screens were inspected in May of 2021 and the inspection revealed that the screens are in poor condition. The mechanical elements of screens 2 through 16 were inspected (screen 1 was recently rebuilt) and many of the mechanical components of the screens were found to be in poor condition with majority of the mechanical components in need of replacement. The manufacturer recommended replacement in the next 12-24 months given the poor condition of these components.
The Baby Creek screens are nearly 20 years old and have not had a major screen rebuild since they were installed. The typical design life of these screens is 20 years and therefore these screens are at their design life and require attention to keep them operating successfully into the future.
The Baby Creek facility is rated for 5,100 Cubic Feet per Second (CFS) or (3.2 billion gallons per day) and is the second largest CSO Facility operated and maintained by GLWA. This facility services portions of the lower Western tributary area of the GLWA sewer system including Detroit and Dearborn. Specifically, the areas adjacent to the facility are low-lying areas that are extremely sensitive to reliable screening operations. Finally, failure of the screens can result in a violation of our NPDES permit.
Summary: Sufficient funds are provided in the financial plan for this project.
Funding Source: Sewer Construction Fund
Cost Center: Wastewater
Expense Type: Construction (5421-892211.000-616900-260623)
Estimated Cost by Year and Related Estimating Variance: See table below.
Fiscal Year
FY 2022 Plan $19,900.00
FY 2023 Plan 1,077,500.00
FY 2024 Plan 1,077,500.00
Financial Plan Estimate 2,174,900.00
Proposed Contract Award $2,326,000.00
Estimating Variance (-$151,100.00)
The amounts above are per Draft 2 of the FY2023-2027 CIP Plan. A budget amendment will be prepared to adjust the Capital Reserves to allow for alignment of planned spending.
This item is being presented directly to the full Board of Directors.
This item does not impact the shared services agreement between GLWA and DWSD.