Proposed Change Order No. 1
Electrical Tunnel Rehabilitation Lake Huron Water Treatment Plant
CIP# 111004 / BCE Score: 38.6
Agenda of: June 26, 2019
Item No.: 2019-221
Amount: Original Contract: $3,888,000.00
Change Order No. 1: 0.00
Total Contract Amount: $3,888,000.00
TO: The Honorable
Board of Directors
Great Lakes Water Authority
FROM: Sue F. McCormick
Chief Executive Officer
Great Lakes Water Authority
DATE: June 4, 2019
RE: Proposed Change Order No. 1
Contract No. GLWA-CON-288
Electrical Tunnel Rehabilitation at Lake Huron Water Treatment Plant
Vendor: Clark Construction Company
Upon recommendation of Cheryl Porter, Chief Operating Officer - Water and Field Services, the Board of Directors (Board) of the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), authorizes the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to enter into Contract No. GLWA-CON-288 Change Order No. 1 “Electrical Tunnel Rehabilitation at Lake Huron Water Treatment Plant” with Clark Construction Company, at a cost not to exceed $3,888,000.00 for an increased duration of 157 days for a total contract duration of 522 days; and authorizes the CEO to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
The primary power feed to the Lake Huron Water Treatment Plant (LHWTP) is provided through two redundant transformers referred to as Transformer Nos. T-1 and T-2. The first primary power feed is conveyed through a set of five existing medium-voltage cables that directly connect Transformer No. T-2 to the plant switchgear building. The second primary power feed is similarly conveyed through another set of five existing medium--voltage cables that connect Transformer No. T-1 to the standby generators and the plant switchgear building. This routing configuration assures that in the event of total primary power loss to both transformers, that the standby generators are automatically activated, and the local switchgear is triggered to switchover the power feed from Transformer No. T-1 to the standby generators. This configuration provides for the uninterrupted power supply to the plant if both primary power feeds to the plant are lost.
The successful replacement and tie-in of the first of five medium-voltage feeder cables from Transformer-T2 to the plant switchgear room was completed in February 2019. The medium-voltage cable replacement work for Transformer No. T1 was planned to commence on April 1, 2019. However, it was discovered in March 2019 that the Transformer No. T-2 had deficiencies with its grounding system that need to be corrected prior to commencing the cable replacement work for Transformer No. T-1. The grounding system corrections to Transformer No. T-2 will be completed prior to September 2019. At this point, the cable replacement work related to Transformer No. T-1 can proceed.
As a result, additional contract time is therefore needed to accommodate completing the medium-voltage cable replacement work between Transformer No. T-1 and the plant switchgear room. Specifically, an additional 155 days are needed to substantially complete the project while an additional 157 days are needed to finally complete the project. The current dates for substantial and final contract completion for Contract No. GLWA-CON-288 are June 27 and September 25, 2019, respectively. The new dates for substantial and final contract completion will be November 29, 2019 and February 28, 2020 by execution of this proposed Change Order No. 1.
Postponing the replacement of the medium-voltage electrical cables between Transformer No. T-1 and the plant switchgear room until mid-September 2019 maintains two primary power feeds to the plant during the peak-demand season (i.e. now through the end of the summer). Likewise, it is prudent to take the medium-voltage electrical cabling downstream of Transformer No. T-1 out of service for its replacement only when the grounding system is corrected at Transformer No. T-2. This corrective work will be completed by late-September 2019.
Original Contract Time 365 Calendar Days
Proposed Change Order No. 1 157 Calendar Days
New Contract Time 522 Calendar Days
Original Contract Price $3,888,000.00
Proposed Change Order No. 1 0.00
Contract Total $3,888,000.00
This proposed change order is for an extension of time only. Although the change order extends the final completion dated further into FY 2020, there is no substantive financial impact. The amount of planned spend moving from FY2019 into FY2020 is undeterminable at this time.
This item was presented to the Operations and Resources Committee at its meeting on June 12, 2019. The Operations and Resources Committee unanimously recommended that the GLWA Board adopt the resolution as presented.
This item does not impact the shared services agreement between GLWA and DWSD.