Proposed Change Order No. 1
Contract No. 2101610
Magnetic Flow Meter Replacement for Circular Primary Clarifiers
Agenda of: November 16, 2023
Item No.: 2023-395
Amount: Original Contract $1,495,200.00
Proposed Change Order No.1 300,000.00
Total Revised Contract $1,795,200.00
TO: The Honorable
Board of Directors
Great Lakes Water Authority
FROM: Suzanne R. Coffey, P.E.
Chief Executive Officer
Great Lakes Water Authority
DATE: October 27, 2023
RE: Proposed Change Order No. 1
Contract No.: 2101610
Magnetic Flow Meter Replacement for Circular Primary Clarifiers
Vendor: Rotor Electric Company of Michigan, LLC
Upon recommendation of Navid Mehram, Chief Operating Officer - Wastewater Operating Services, the Board of Directors (Board) of the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), authorizes the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to enter into Contract No. 2101610, Proposed Change Order No. 1, “Magnetic Flow Meter Replacement for Circular Primary Clarifiers” with Rotor Electric Company of Michigan, LLC, with an increased cost of $300,000.00 for a total cost not to exceed $1,795,200.00, and an increased duration of 366 days for a total duration of 914 days; and authorizes the CEO to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
The GLWA Water Resource Recovery Facility has six circular primary clarifiers. The flow meters that provide flow information to each clarifier are inoperable, which causes difficulties for operators to properly balance the flow from Pump Station No. 2 to the clarifiers. This project replaces the six existing 96” inch diameter flow meters with new magnetic flow meters to restore proper operations and provide accurate information to operations to balance flows throughout all primary circular clarifiers.
Magnetic flow meters of this size are custom and manufactured upon order. The manufacturer’s lead time for these flow meters is nearly nine months, and the manufacturer is in Germany, further making the ordering and coordination of this work complicated.
During installation of the first flow meter, differing unique site conditions were encountered that affect the fit of the new flow meter to the existing piping on either side of the meter. Necessary changes are needed to facilitate the installation of the flow meter.
The construction of this project requires a primary circular clarifier to be taken out of service to allow for the construction. Currently, one unit is out of service and construction activities are underway. Upon dismantling the existing meter, the piping was found to be misaligned with differing conditions than anticipated. This requires additional field modifications with an alternative connection to adequately install the new Mag meter.
The existing provisional allowance for the project was $15,000.00 and has been fully exhausted. Additional funding and time are necessary to complete this project. Therefore, GLWA Wastewater Engineering is recommending extending the existing contract by 366 days and adding 300,000.00 to the contract allowance to facilitate this additional work. The requested amount anticipates similar conditions for the remaining five meters.
Original Contract Time 548 days (07/25/2022 - 01/23/2024)
Proposed Change Order No. 1 366 days (01/24/2024 - 01/23/2025)
New Contract Time 914 days (07/25/2022 - 01/23/2025)
Original Contract Price $1,495,200.00
Proposed Change Order No. 1 300,000.00
New Contract Total $1,795,200.00
Summary: The replacement of magnetic flow meters project extension was not anticipated during the development of the Capital Outlay budget and exceeds the budget for Flow Measuring and Meters. Individual projects budgeted in the Capital Outlay are subject to change based on criticality and condition assessment of assets on an on-going basis. These changes are anticipated as changes are made under the Scheduled Replacement Program (SRP). A budget amendment is anticipated drawing first from other projects which may be changed and finally from the Reserves.
Funding Source: Improvement and Extension Fund (I&E)
Cost Center: Wastewater Primary Process (892223)
Expense Type: Capital Outlay over $5k (I&E-Capitalized) (901100)
Estimated Cost by Year and Related Forecast Variance: See table below.
Fiscal Year Amount
FY 2022 Budget (Prorated) $82,792.00
FY 2023 Budget (Amended) 662,500.00
FY 2024 Budget 146,500.00
FY 2025 Financial Plan (Prorated) 261,667.00
Total Financial Plan Forecast 1,153,459.00
Proposed Contract Amount 1,795,200.00
Variance (positive/ (negative)) ($641,741.00)
This item was presented to the Operations and Resources Committee at its meeting on November 8, 2023. The Operations and Resources Committee unanimously recommended that the GLWA Board adopt the resolution as presented.
This item does not impact the shared services agreement between GLWA and DWSD.