Election of Reconciliation Committee Member
Agenda of July 25, 2018
Item No. 2018-841
Great Lakes Water Authority
Resolution 2018-841
RE: Election of GLWA Board’s liaison on the Reconciliation Committee
By Board Member: Craig A. Hupy
Whereas On June 12, 2015, the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) and the City of Detroit (Detroit) entered into a Regional Water Supply System Lease and a Regional Sewage Disposal System Lease (collectively the Leases); and
Whereas In addition and pursuant to the Leases, GLWA and Detroit have entered into a Water and Sewer Services Agreement (WSSA) and GLWA has enacted a Master Bond Ordinance and amendments to that Ordinance (collectively MBO); and
Whereas On June 27, 2018, pursuant to the Leases, the GLWA and Detroit entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (attached as Exhibit A) which clarified certain provisions of the Leases, the WSSA and the MBO; and
Whereas The WSSA provides for a Reconciliation Committee which includes amongst its members a GLWA Board Member or their designee; and
Whereas Section 9, “Reconciliation Committee, of the MOU states in pertinent part; “ GLWA’s designated Board Member liaison shall not be a Mayoral appointee and shall not be elected by the Mayoral appointees to the GLWA Board; and
Whereas There is a need to fill this position; and
Whereas The Following Board Member(s) were nominated to serve as the GLWA Board’s liaison on the Reconciliation Committee:
Robert J. Daddow
Whereas The Board conducted an election for GLWA Board’s liaison on the Reconciliation Committee with the following votes having been recorded:
Brian Baker
Robert J. Daddow
Craig A. Hupy
Abe A. Munfakh; and
Whereas Pursuant to the MOU, Board Chairman Hendrix and Board Member Brown did not participate in this election
Now, Therefore Be It:
Resolved That Board Member Robert J. Daddow having received four votes is elected as the Board’s liaison on the Reconciliation Committee.
Adopted by the Great Lakes Water Authority Board on: July 25, 2018