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File #: 2025-050    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: New Business
File created: 2/7/2025 In control: Board of Directors
On agenda: 2/26/2025 Final action:
Title: Requisition No. REQ-0003009 Springwells Water Treatment Plant Header Pipe Repairs CIP #114002 / BCE Score: 90.9
Sponsors: Cheryl Porter
Indexes: Water Operations
Attachments: 1. REQ-0003009 ProcurementBoardReport


Requisition No. REQ-0003009

Springwells Water Treatment Plant Header Pipe Repairs

CIP #114002 / BCE Score: 90.9


Agenda of:                     February 26, 2025

Item No.:                     2025-050

Amount:                     $2,000,000.00


TO:                                          The Honorable

                                          Board of Directors

                                          Great Lakes Water Authority


FROM:                     Suzanne R. Coffey, P.E.

                                          Chief Executive Officer

                                          Great Lakes Water Authority


DATE:                     February 7, 2025


RE:                                          Requisition No. REQ-0003009

                                          Springwells Water Treatment Plant Header Pipe Repairs

                                          Vendor:  J.F. Cavanaugh Company

                                          Status:  New Contract/PO



Upon recommendation of Cheryl Porter, Chief Operating Officer - Water and Field Services, the Board of Directors (Board) of the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), authorizes the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to enter into Requisition No. REQ-0003009, “Springwells Water Treatment Plant Header Pipe Repairs” with J.F. Cavanaugh Company, Inc., at a cost not to exceed $2,000,000.00 for a duration of 910 days; and authorizes the CEO to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote. 


The Springwells Water Treatment Plant high-lift header vault was constructed in the 1930s with subsequent renovations being completed in the 1950s. Four different header condition assessments, focused on the 48-inch and 72-inch diameter piping, have been completed within the high-lift vault between 1996 and 2018. All condition assessments of the vault piping showed limited degradation of the header pipe and recommendations were centered more around controlling the leaks and moisture within the header vault through spot repair. The condition assessments have resulted in emergency header repairs in 2007 and 2018 under Contract Nos. SP-564 and DB-112, respectively. Contract No. CON-133 completed a carbon fiber rehabilitation of a segment of the north upper header under a construction change directive in 2019.

Header flange and restraint hardware condition has not been the focus of any past condition assessments or rehabilitation. However, recent failures within the high-lift header vault have not been a result of piping failure, but the hardware that is holding the piping together that has begun to fail due to corrosive environment within the vault.

Recent failures within the header vault include leaking pipe restraint tie-rods on 72-inch tee fittings supplying each of the seven (7) 72-inch mains leaving the high-lift station and failure of the bonnet of an 8-inch check valve due to corroding hardware on the valve. The bonnet failure of the 8-inch valve flooded the header vault. Leaks on larger pipes and failure of smaller diameter valving are minor compared to the issues that would occur if one of the larger diameter valves were to fail. 

Water Engineering is seeking a longer-term solution to the persistent issues that have occurred within the Springwells Water Treatment Plant high lift header vault. Replacement of the discharge valve and piping connections to the 72-inch will address a vast number of the corroded flanged/restraining connections in the vaults and is the first step toward providing full resolution of the issues within the header vault. However, replacement of the valve connection to the 72-inch headers is very complex in terms of making the connections to the 1930’s riveted steel, 72-inch headers, including the access limitations required to perform the replacements. Because discharge piping/valve replacement is complicated and the complications with replacement are typically better understood by a construction contractor, GLWA Water Engineering proposes to initiate an contract with J.F. Cavanaugh Company to replace isolation valves and piping for a single header connection to the 72-inch headers for Pump 25 in the high lift pumping station.

In performing replacement of a single set of discharge piping/valves under the proposed emergency contract, GLWA can readily develop plans/specifications to perform fast-track execution of a future construction contract to replace the remaining fifteen sets of pump discharge piping/valves in the high-lift vault under a more conventional project delivery.

Once all pump discharge piping/valves are replaced, the new isolation valves will provide means to move on to next steps toward addressing the header system through full carbon fiber renewal of the 48-inch and 72-inch header piping.




The Springwells Water Treatment Plant high-lift header piping has been subject to successive failure/ inspection/repair cycles since 1996. Water Engineering has developed a plan to address the issues, but an immediate procurement is needed to fast-track the successive improvements needed for full renewal of the header piping system and avoid future failures at the site.   


Summary: Sufficient funds are provided in the financial plan for this project.

Funding Source: Water Construction Bond

Cost Center: Water Engineering

Expense Type: Construction (5519-880000-616900-PRJ114002)

Estimated Cost by Year and Related Estimating Variance:  See table below.

Fiscal Year

FY 2026 Planned Spend                                                                                                         $               0.00

FY 2027 Planned Spend (Future Update)                                             1,500,000.00

Financial Plan Estimate                                                                                                         $ 1,500,000.00

Proposed Contract Award                                                                                                            2,000,000.00

Estimating Variance                                                                                                                              $   (500,000.00)

The proposed contract is an additional construction phase under CIP Project 114002.  Per the Draft #2 CIP FY26 - 30 document there is no budget for this proposed phase.  A budget amendment will be prepared to use capital reserves to fund the projected FY26 spend of $500,000.00.  The CIP plan will be updated to reflect the balance of this proposed additional construction phase.


This item was presented to the Operations and Resources Committee at its meeting on February 12, 2025. The Operations and Resources Committee unanimously recommended that the GLWA Board adopt the resolution as presented.


This item does not impact the shared services agreement between GLWA and DWSD.