Great Lakes Water Authority Logo
File #: 2025-043    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: New Business
File created: 1/29/2025 In control: Board of Directors
On agenda: 2/26/2025 Final action:
Title: Proposed Amendment No. 4 GLWA-DB-150/SCN-0000229 Design-Build/Repair for Portions of the Pennsylvania, Springwells and Northeast Raw Water Tunnels CIP #116002/BCE Score: 94.3
Sponsors: Cheryl Porter
Indexes: Water Operations


Proposed Amendment No. 4


Design-Build/Repair for Portions of the Pennsylvania, Springwells and Northeast Raw Water Tunnels

CIP #116002/BCE Score: 94.3


Agenda of:                     February 26, 2025

Item No.:                     2025-043

Amount:                     Original Contract                                                                                    $  10,702,047.28

                                          Amendment No. 1                                                                                                        0.00

                                          Amendment No. 2                                                                                        83,875,430.00

                                          Amendment No. 3                                                                                                        0.00

                                          Proposed Amendment No. 4                                              10,000,000.00

                                          Total Contract Amount                                                               $104,577,477.28


TO:                                          The Honorable

                                          Board of Directors

                                          Great Lakes Water Authority


FROM:                     Suzanne R. Coffey, P.E.

                                          Chief Executive Officer

                                          Great Lakes Water Authority


DATE:                     January 29, 2025


RE:                                          Proposed Amendment No. 4

                                          Contract No. GLWA-DB-150/SCN-0000229

                                          Design-Build/Repair for Portions of the Pennsylvania, Springwells and Northeast Raw Water Tunnels

                                          Vendor:  Ballard Marine Construction LLC

                                          Status: Amendment/Change Order




Upon recommendation of Cheryl Porter, Chief Operating Officer - Water and Field Services, the Board of Directors (Board) of the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), authorizes the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to enter into Contract No. GLWA-DB-150/SCN-0000229, Proposed Amendment No. 4 “Design-Build/Repair for Portions of the Pennsylvania, Springwells and Northeast Raw Water Tunnels” with Ballard Marine Construction LLC, with an increased cost of $10,000,000.00 for a total cost not to exceed $104,577,477.28 and an increased duration of 459 days for a total duration of 2,960 days; and authorizes the CEO to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote. 


Contract No. DB-150 is a progressive design-build for the repair for portions of the Pennsylvania, Springwells, and Northeast raw water tunnels. Previously to this contract there was an inspection conducted under contract No. CS-1623 “Inspection, Condition Assessment and Engineering Evaluation of Raw Water Intake Tunnels and Related Facilities”. The inspection results under CS-1623 indicated that four sections of the Pennsylvania, Springwells, and Northeast Tunnels required repairs. The four sections, ranging in length from 60 to 400 lineal feet, require repairs to address cracking that could result in soil infiltration. If left unaddressed, soil infiltration could result in raw water tunnel failure and loss of service to the areas served by the Springwells and Northeast water treatment plants.

The scope of work for the DB-150 Contract was as follows:

                     Assess the damage to designated sections of the tunnel(s) as identified in the CS-1623 inspection report,

                     Perform additional remote inspection of the tunnel sections requiring repair. This work was authorized under Amendment No. 1 to this contract.

                     Develop a design for the repairs to be completed using stainless steel inserts for the Springwells and Northeast tunnel repairs and crack repairs for the Pennsylvania portion of the tunnel.

                     Provide GLWA a lump sum price to complete the construction per the progressive design build methodology. The lump sum cost and billing rates for completing the construction phase were established/authorized by GLWA and DB Contractor under Amendments No. 2 and 3.

                     Complete the construction in compliance with the construction plans and specifications developed as part of the design phase.

The repairs to the Pennsylvania and Northeast tunnels are completed and the design build contractor is currently working on finishing the repairs to the Springwells tunnel. 

The Proposed Amendment No. 4 is requesting additional funds and time to finish the Springwells tunnel and close out the Contract. The project construction work has been put on hold multiple times due to competing shutdown schedules with other projects and system repairs including the following:

                     Repairs to the 14 Mile Transmission that put the DB-150 work on hold in Fall of 2021

                     120-inch water transmission main break put the DB-150 work on hold in Fall of 2022

                     Sludge removal requirements at Springwells water treatment plant reduced the plant capacity and put the DB-150 work on hold in Fall of 2024

Due to shutdown coordination within the water system and associated delays as described above, Water Engineering is requesting a revised final completion date from March 28, 2025, to June 30, 2026, and an increased contract budget of $10,000,000.00 to account for costs required to extend the duration of the contract.


This contract has been impacted due to other urgent projects or emergencies within the system such as the 120-inch and 14 Mile transmission main breaks that could not accommodate this project’s shutdown schedule. Proposed Amendment No. 4 for additional funds and time will allow the remaining repairs to the Springwells tunnel to be completed and close out the Contract. 

                     PROJECT MANAGEMENT STATUS

Original Contract Time                                              365 days                     (05/23/2018 - 05/23/2019)

Amendment No. 1                                                                  276 days                     (05/24/2019 - 02/23/2020)                     

Amendment No. 2                                                               1,860 days                     (02/24/2020 - 03/28/2025)

Amendment No. 3                                                                      0 days    (Language only)

Proposed Amendment No. 4                        459 days                     (03/29/2025 - 06/30/2026)

New Contract Time                                                                2,960 days                     (05/23/2018 - 06/30/2026)


Original Contract Price                                           $  10,702,047.28

Amendment No. 1                                                                                   0.00

Amendment No. 2                                                                   83,875,430.00

Amendment No. 3                                                                                   0.00 (Language only)

Proposed Amendment No. 4                         10,000,000.00

New Contract Total                                                                $104,577,477.28


Summary: Sufficient funds are provided in the financial plan for this project.

Funding Source: Water Construction Fund

Cost Center: Water Engineering

Expense Type: Construction (5519-880000-616900-PRJ-116002)

Estimated Cost by Year and Related Estimating Variance:  See table below.

Current Contract Price                                                                                    $  94,577,477.28

Proposed Amendment No. 4                                                                   10,000,000.00

New Contract Total                                                                                                           104,577,477.28

Financial Plan Estimate                                                                                        94,577,477.28

Estimating Variance                                                                                                         $  10,000,000.00

Based upon current spend projections the FY25 spend is reduced from $12,292,000.00 to $10,629,200.00 resulting in a negative spend estimate of $(1,662,800.00) for FY25.  A budget amendment will be prepared to return the $(1,662,880.00) to capital reserves. Future versions of the CIP plan will be updated to address the proposed increase of $10,000,000.00 to the contract value.


This item was presented to the Operations and Resources Committee at its meeting on February 12, 2025. The Operations and Resources Committee unanimously recommended that the GLWA Board adopt the resolution as presented.


This item does not impact the shared services agreement between GLWA and DWSD.