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File #: 2025-068    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: New Business
File created: 3/3/2025 In control: Operations and Resources Committee
On agenda: 3/12/2025 Final action:
Title: Proposed Change Order No. 1 Contract No. 2204611/SCN-0000253 CSO Outfall Rehabilitation - Phase V CIP #260510/ BCE Score: 73.8
Sponsors: Navid Mehram
Indexes: Wastewater Operations
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Proposed Change Order No. 1

Contract No. 2204611/SCN-0000253

CSO Outfall Rehabilitation - Phase V

CIP #260510/ BCE Score: 73.8



Agenda of:                     March 26, 2025

Item No.:                     2025-068

Amount:                     Original Contract                                                               $10,285,619.00

                                          Proposed Change Order No. 1                                       0.00

                                          Total Contract Amount                                          $10,285,619.00


TO:                     The Honorable

                     Board of Directors

                     Great Lakes Water Authority


FROM:                     Suzanne R. Coffey, P.E.

                     Chief Executive Officer

                     Great Lakes Water Authority


DATE:                     March 3, 2025


RE:                     Proposed Change Order No. 1

                     Contract No.  2204611/SCN-0000253

                     CSO Outfall Rehabilitation - Phase V

                     Vendor:  LGC Global, Inc.

                     Status: Amendment/Change Order



Upon recommendation of Navid Mehram, Chief Operating Officer - Wastewater Operating Services, the Board of Directors (Board) of the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), authorizes the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to enter into Contract No. 2204611/SCN-0000253, Proposed Change Order No. 1, “CSO Outfall Rehabilitation - Phase V” with LGC Global, Inc., for no increase in cost, for a total cost not to exceed $10,285,619.00 and an increased duration of 199 days for a total contract duration of 837 days; and authorizes the CEO to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote. 


On July 17, 2023, GLWA issued the Notice to Proceed with Contract No. 2204611 to LGC Global, Inc.  This Contract included the rehabilitation of 13 Detroit River Interceptor (DRI) outfalls, generally located along Jefferson Ave. from Fischer St. to Cary St. Outfalls identified for repair include B04, B12, B25, B26, B30, B32, B33, B34, B35, B37, B38, B41 and B44. Portions of these outfalls date to the mid-19th century, and all have been modified several times since their original construction. Recent inspections of these outfalls have indicated deterioration consistent with assets of this age.  In general, the outfalls serve to redirect dry weather flow to the Water Resource Recovery Facility and allow relief of wet weather flows to the nearby river during wet weather flow. In the past few years, GLWA completed the rehabilitation of over two dozen outfalls in four previous phases. The original Agreement required Substantial Completion of the Project on February 14, 2025.


Based upon the status of the project, it will not achieve the agreed upon Final Completion milestone on April 15, 2025.  Several factors that include, but are not limited to, liner removal and application delays, project coordination issues, and lack of outfall access have contributed to the delay of the project.  The GLWA team recommends this no additional cost time extension to complete the project. An assessment of the delays is ongoing, including the accountability of each delay and whether liquidated damages should be assessed in accordance with the Contract’s terms. 



Original Contract Time                                            638 days (07/17/2023) - (04/15/2025)

Proposed Change Order No. 1                       199 days (04/16/2025) - (10/31/2025)                     

New Contract Time                                                                 837 days (07/17/2023) - (10/31/2025)



Original Contract Price                                           $10,285,619.00

Proposed Change Order No. 1                                        0.00

New Contract Total                                                                $10,285,619.00


Summary: Sufficient funds are provided in the financial plan for this project.              

Funding Source:                     5421 - Wastewater Construction Bond

Cost Center:                      880000 - Capital Improvement Program

Expense Type:                     Construction

Project Worktag:                     PRJ-260510

Estimated Cost by Year and Related Estimating Variance:  See table below.


Original Contract Price                                                                        $10,285,619.00

Proposed Change Order No. 1                                                                               0.00

New Contract Total                                                                                                         10,285,619.00

Amended Financial Plan Estimate                                          10,285,619.00

Estimating Variance                                                                                             $                0.00


This proposed change order is for an extension of time only and there is no substantive financial impact.


This item was presented to the Operations and Resources Committee at its meeting on March 12, 2025. The Operations and Resources Committee unanimously recommended that the GLWA Board adopt the resolution as presented.


This item does not impact the shared services agreement between GLWA and DWSD.