Proposed Amendment No. 1
Contract No.: GLWA-CS-036
Comprehensive Regional Wastewater Master Plan
Agenda of: August 28, 2019
Item No.: 2019-305
Amount: Original Contract $8,320,876.00
Proposed Amendment No.1 $ 701,830.00
Total Revised Contract $9,022,706.00
TO: The Honorable
Board of Directors
Great Lakes Water Authority
FROM: Sue F. McCormick
Chief Executive Officer
Great Lakes Water Authority
DATE: August 8, 2019
RE: Proposed Amendment No. 1
Contract No.: GLWA-CS-036
Comprehensive Regional Wastewater Master Plan
Vendor: CDM Smith Michigan, Inc
Upon recommendation of Suzanne Coffey, Chief Planning Officer, the Board of Directors (Board) of the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), authorizes the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to enter into Contract No. GLWA-CS-036 Amendment No.1, “Comprehensive Regional Wastewater Master Plan” with CDM Smith Michigan, Inc, at an increased cost of $701,830.00 for a total cost not to exceed $9,022,706.00, an increased duration of nine months for a total contract duration of three years and nine months; and authorizes the CEO to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
The Great Lakes Water Authority entered into a contract with CDM Smith Michigan, Inc. for the “Comprehensive Regional Wastewater Master Plan” on March 22, 2017. Because long term planning is essential to providing excellent service to the member partners of GLWA, the Planning Services Area staff have been charged with managing updates to master plans for both the water and wastewater systems. The last wastewater master plan update was completed in 2003. The focus of this current planning effort is broad. Attention was given to GLWA and its member partners’ collection and conveyance systems, including combined sewer overflow (CSO) facilities, as well as the treatment processes at the Water Resource Recovery Facility. The goals of this master plan are to maximize the use of existing GLWA and member partners’ existing assets, minimize untreated combined sewage overflows, improve water quality in receiving waterways, leverage knowledge, experience and ideas of water professionals in the region and lastly to develop a living plan that can be updated as system needs change. Deliverables include hydraulic, hydrologic and wastewater treatment models, alternative analyses, development of short, medium, and long-term achievable goals that will allow for quick wins and give long term guidance. Also addressed in the effort will be identifying approaches to using more real-time operational controls, assistance in more fully developing GLWA’s asset management and capital improvement programs, and the development of tools to assist in the understanding of customer flow and pollutant loading.
The tasks from the original contract are tabulated below. All tasks noted below are projected to be 100% complete by the end of the current contract period.
Task Task Description Budgeted $ Spent as of Projected to Projected
# $ 6/29/19 Spend to Budget
$ End of Variance
Contract $ $
1 West Side Model $ 260,750 $ 260,750 $ 260,750 $ -
2 Short Term Reg 410,552 410,552 410,552 -
Op Plan & Phase
1 Report
3 WRRF Models 1,262,785 1,262,785 1,262,785 -
4 Collection System 1,266,939 1,259,260 1,295,769 (28,830)
5 WRRF Long 961,774 909,213 961,774 -
6 Collection System 1,233,964 990,276 1,554,820 (320,856)
Long Term Strategy
7 Financial and 1,193,659 758,088 1,241,594 (47,935)
Capital Planning
8 Metering 694,855 694,855 725,815 (30,960)
9 Project Mgt 737,198 544,736 892,177 (154,979)
10 Provisionary 298,400 298,400
Totals $8,320,876 $7,090,515 $8,606,036 $(285,160)
Additional Funds to Complete the Original Scope
As noted above, this proposed Amendment No. 1 is seeking an additional $285,160 that is made up from various tasks in the original scope. This equates to a 3.4% increase from the original contract. The primary driver of this request is to cover costs of additional unanticipated meetings and analyses that were requested by Member Partners throughout the process. CDM’s original proposal included more member meetings and GLWA negotiated this downward. The member partner engagement has been outstanding and far beyond what we originally anticipated.
Beyond the added meetings throughout the project, members of the Regional Collaboration Group have requested additional time to review recommended Wastewater Master Plan alternatives that are just now emerging. This results in even more added meetings, additional analyses, and additional project management. From a time perspective, the additional time member partners would like to have is six months beyond the current contract end date.
Altogether, the additional work includes the following:
• A series of meetings for a Regional Collaboration Group (RCG);
• A series of meetings for the Regional Operating Plan (ROP), as added model runs and added analyses for the ROP;
• Meetings with the Michigan Department of Transportation and other third parties such as Southeast Michigan Council of Governments for model support and explanation;
• A Lake St. Clair pathogen study as recommended by the RCG;
• A series of meetings for a Model User Group (MUG) that was unanticipated; and
• Project management to support these added activities.
Additional Funds to Complete Items Beyond the Original Scope
In addition to the items noted above, it would be beneficial from both cost and timing perspectives to add the following proposed tasks that increase the scope of services. These items total $416,670. This added work scope equates to a 5% increase over the original contract amount of $8,320,876.
• Proposed Task 10 - WRRF Facilities Space Programming Assessment ($167,870): The WRRF has several buildings and facilities that need to be considered for long term planning. Some of the facilities may be removed and the space reallocated, whereas some may need maintenance to be fully utilized. A long-term plan for non-process space would be developed in three major tasks:
Task 1: Programming Study for the Non-Process Buildings
Task 2: Hazard and Occupancy Evaluation of Process and Non-Process Buildings
Task 3: Site Logistics, Beautification, Green Infrastructure, and Aesthetic Improvements
• Proposed Task 11 - Regional Operating Plan Modeling & Support ($120,000): To maximize the use of the Regional Wastewater Collection System model and implement the Regional Operating Plan, CDM Smith would provide up to ten monthly simulations with storm event data from GLWA and Members’ SCADA systems. CDM Smith would assist GLWA to (1) obtain a radar rainfall subscription to facilitate rainfall data processing, and (2) develop a routine process for members to provide RTB dewatering pump on/off times and dewatering volumes for storm events ahead of each monthly simulation.
• Proposed Task 12 - Continued Project Management Support and Ad Hoc Consulting ($128,800): To support proposed Tasks 10 and 11, added project management will be needed. Also, as we anticipate bringing the project to a close, there are a number of elements which may need more support. These may include but are not limited to added WRRF planning, assistance to GLWA as conversations about model wastewater service contract and associated contract capacities are scheduled and added analysis on affordability.
These three proposed tasks have been tabulated below.
Proposed Budgeted Amount
Task No. Task Description ($)
10 WRRF Facilities Space Programming $167,870
11 Regional Operating Plan Support 120,000
12 Project Management and Ad Hoc Consulting 128,800
Total $416,670
The total of both parts of the proposed amendment is $701,830 and equates to an 8.4% increase to the original contract amount. An additional three months is requested to complete the additional work beyond the original project scope. This brings the total extension request to nine months in this Amendment (six months to complete original project scope and three months to complete the additional tasks).
Original Contract Time 3 Years
Proposed Amendment No. 1 9 Months
New Contract Time 3 Years and 9 Months
Original Contract Price 8,320,876.00
Proposed Amendment No. 1 701,830.00
New Contract Total 9,022,706.00
Summary: The proposed Change Order No. 1 was not anticipated when the FY 2020 Budget and FY 2021 Financial Plan were created. A Budget amendment will be required in the Chief Operating Officer Wastewater cost center for this change order. A review of any positive budget variances within Wastewater Operations will be considered prior to drawing from unallocated reserves.
Funding Source: Operations & Maintenance Budget (O&M)
Cost Centers: Systems Planning (Centralized Services Cost Center 886101)
Chief Op Officer Wastewater (Sewer Operations Cost Center 892001)
Expense Type: Contractual Prof Services (5910-886101.000-617903-WS7900)
Contractual Operating Services (5960-892001.000-617900-SD8050)
Estimated Cost by Year and Related Estimating Variance: See Projected Contract Cost and Funding Table (attached)
This item was presented to the Operations and Resources Committee at its meeting on August 14, 2019. The Operations and Resources Committee unanimously recommended that the GLWA Board adopt the resolution as presented.
This item does not impact the shared services agreement between GLWA and DWSD.